Saturday 28 November 2015

Russell's Reserve Small Batch 10 Year Old - American Whiskey

Russell's Reserve. Small Batch 10 year old. Kentucky Straight Bourbon. This is without doubt a cut above most Bourbon Whiskey. With a dark almost bronze color and strong coat lines producing thick slow moving legs this Kentucky Bourbon promises alot. From the moment you pour it into a glass you are hit by the rich ripe fruit and vanilla notes balanced by the heavy char oak that is typical of Wild Turkey. I'll be honest, I was prepared to not rate this Whiskey too highly. I was prepared to suggest that it was another example of a distillery cashing in by producing a basic level spirit and hoping to create a premium by slapping a iconic name on the label... I would have been wrong. Russell's Reserve can proudly stand on its own as a genuine premium product. Its Heavy char wood influence suggests that it is a throwback to years gone by and is more interested in telling that story than making a mainstream Whiskey suiting the contemporary sweet pallet. Wild Turkey fans will love it as will newcomers to the brand. This is an excellent addition to any liquor cabinet.

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