Sunday 29 November 2015

Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon - American Whiskey

Buffalo Trace. Kentucky Straight Bourbon. The well worn tale of the well worn trail can sometimes distract from the fact that although a simple straight forward Bourbon; Buffalo Trace is very good . With an aroma of rich stewed fruit, sweet caramel butterscotch and dare I say sweet chili. 
At 90 proof a few drops of water do not hurt this Bourbon and certainly help release its completely while still maintaining a balance of buttery mouth feel with a sweet dry finish. Don't ruin this sipping Whiskey with soft drink or mixers. This is a price point Whiskey that I am reviewing because I rate it well.

Appearance: Rich Golden Amber + 1
Aroma: Sweet Caramel, Vanilla, Butterscotch, Subdued Oak and very slight Rye finish.
Taste: Caramel, Ripe Fruit, Vanilla, Black pepper, Sweet chili, Rye
Texture: Well balanced across the pallet, buttery with a sweet dry finish        

Saturday 28 November 2015

Laphroaig Quarter Cask - Scotch Whisky

Laphroaig Quarter Cask. Cracking example of the distillery and Islay in general. A heavily peated malt with billows of coal smoke and medicinal notes from start to its long and sweet finish. This malt is not for beginners and if you don’t love peated Whisky don’t pretend just because its trendy. If you are a peat head. Laphroaig Quarter cask is a fine dram to be challenged by or just enjoyed. 

Russell's Reserve Small Batch 10 Year Old - American Whiskey

Russell's Reserve. Small Batch 10 year old. Kentucky Straight Bourbon. This is without doubt a cut above most Bourbon Whiskey. With a dark almost bronze color and strong coat lines producing thick slow moving legs this Kentucky Bourbon promises alot. From the moment you pour it into a glass you are hit by the rich ripe fruit and vanilla notes balanced by the heavy char oak that is typical of Wild Turkey. I'll be honest, I was prepared to not rate this Whiskey too highly. I was prepared to suggest that it was another example of a distillery cashing in by producing a basic level spirit and hoping to create a premium by slapping a iconic name on the label... I would have been wrong. Russell's Reserve can proudly stand on its own as a genuine premium product. Its Heavy char wood influence suggests that it is a throwback to years gone by and is more interested in telling that story than making a mainstream Whiskey suiting the contemporary sweet pallet. Wild Turkey fans will love it as will newcomers to the brand. This is an excellent addition to any liquor cabinet.

George Dickel No.12 - American Whiskey

George Dickel No 12. This is the other Tennessee Whiskey. Jack Daniels of course is the name that comes to mind when the topic of Sour Mash Tennessee Whiskey is raised and thanks to a massive marketing budget probably will stay that way but next time before you grab a bottle of Jack consider this. Dickel 12 is aged longer and uses a similar production method to that of Jack Daniels but due in part to the extra age; The finished George Dickel develops the strong rich sweet flavors of stewed fruit, raisins and sultanas, while combining nicely with the strong oak influence you might expect from a 90 proof 12yo Tennessee Whiskey. I do recommend it.

Aberlour 10 Year Old - Scotch Whisky

Aberlour 10 year old. Superb Speyside malt for those who enjoy the approachable fruity sweetness of Speyside but looking for a touch more class than standard. This malt will shift your benchmark for single malts.